
趁女兒醒來前 採了一籃櫻桃


洗好 挑了一盤讓她和早餐一起吃

黃色帶著粉紅色 非常可愛漂亮的櫻桃!!


這是第一年 櫻桃大豐收 採到手痠

這是種了快七年的櫻桃樹 從一支 乾乾的 bare root 的櫻桃樹 開始種

想吃到這種有機的黃色櫻桃 恐怕還不多吧 我好像在超市沒看過

自己做的 保證有機 連鳥都吃得很快樂

只要我開啟窗戶 或走到樹的附近 就會看到鳥飛出來


除了自己吃 還有和鳥一起分享

右邊的櫻桃 被鳥咬 左邊的 因為雨後 櫻桃裂開




雖然如此 還有吃不完的櫻桃 甚至還做了櫻桃果醬


早上一盤 下午再來一盤





老爺說 我好像在開農場


今年的黃色raspberry 也會大豐收




接著白桃 也會成熟 真的像是在開農場

現在忙著照顧家裏後院 還有承租菜園 工作很多 天氣也很熱呢!!

18 thoughts on “採果樂

  1. Dear Christina,

    What a green thumb you have! How do you prevent worms in your peaches? Our Babcock white peach tree is infested with the Oriental Fruit Moth, which rots the peach from inside out, plus the worms wiggle around, ew. Any tips? Thanks.

    We don’t have rabbits here, but we have hundreds of wild red crown green parrots (super loud), squirrels, possums, and a skunk. In addition to eating our fruit (fuyu persimmon, fig, loquat), they poop a lot…

    Catherine in Los Angeles.

    • I suppose you have to spray. I do organic farming. I just share my crop with nature. 鳥 松鼠 鹿 skunk 等 我們都有 晚上都有不知名動物來訪 因為從dropping 就知道

      If you have dwarf trees, 那你可以去像Home Depot 買bird’s netting 把整株樹蓋住 我家的樹太大 很難蓋 或者有賣那種shiny 會反光的緞帶 以前我去郵購過 但是樹現在太大 也無法做 Or if you go to Taiwan, you can buy fruit paper bags(水果用的紙袋) and wrap each fruit with it. 以前想買 但是只是批發賣 要買很多回來 就算了

      • Great tips, thanks. Our fruit trees are all mature and 20’+ so netting wasn’t an option. I bought the “hawk eye" balloons with a shimy ribbon tail from Amazon. They worked for 2 months, then stupid parrots got used to them. Fruit paper bag sounds great but I haven’t been back to Taiwan in 20+ years. Probably never will. I try and see if I can find it in Asian markets.

        Love seeing your beautiful fruit tree pics, flowers, and garden pics. Thank you for sharing and pls post more! 🙂

        • 動物都會習慣的 像我以前買的那種亮晶晶的(像aluminium foil) 最後它們也會習慣 果園 是放那種天敵的鳥聲 這個也不行 住在住宅區 防不剰防 所以我有五株桃樹 不想採的 就讓鳥吃 免得來吃其他的樹 總是還剩一堆給我們自己吃 我也只拿來做果醬 不需要那麼多

  2. 每次看博主的博客都觉得照片好赏心悦目哦.比如这篇的第一张.加上几片绿色的叶子后立刻加分.背景色也很搭.

  3. Hello! Christina, how are you recently?
    The weather this year is still kind of strange, we usually go to a farm for sugar snap pea picking, usually they have two fields, this year, the owner said due to the weather in spring, they only can have one field, I am so great I made the right decision, I went to the farm on the first day open for pea picking, otherwise, I have to wait for next year. It’s great you can enjoy this fresh rainer cherry, you must spend lots of time and effort to take care of them. You don’t have to buy fruit in the summer, your own harvest is plenty enough! “這幾天 櫻桃吃到怕!!" it made me so jealous!( just kidding!)
    We went back to Taiwan last December, after we came back, I felt part of me is still in Taiwan until recently. I think I can understand why one of my friends, she went back to Taiwan for summer every year until her son get into high school.
    Did you send me an email today? just checking, it was a link, I just want to make sure this email was from you before I opened it. Thank you!
    We are planing a trip to Yellowstone national park, we are going to drive, exciting! right? maybe we can take lots of picture for the bearsand wild animals there!
    Have a great summer!
    Linda from Detroit

    • No, I did not send you e-mail. I did not use that account anymore. I closed it yesterday because Echo also received such a mail.

      I was wondering what your trip to Taiwan was. 很久沒看到你留言

      黃石公園啊 那要開好久喔

      天氣確實不正常 忽熱忽冷 前幾天像台灣的濕熱 今天突然又變冷 春天培養幾十株 日本哈密瓜 移植到community garden 就遇到一連串的冷天和大雨 連日本毛豆發芽率偏低 哈密瓜都陣亡 西瓜發芽後 也是長不好 熱度不夠吧 家中的豆苗 也是發芽率不好 比起往年 小黃瓜還耐寒點 發芽了六十多株吧 都還活著 番茄也還好 但是長的速度慢 大概今年的天氣適合櫻桃吧 第一年這樣的大豐收 至少一半以上是鳥吃掉的 還有下雨裂開 甚至掉滿地的櫻桃 明年若還如此豐收 得多做點果醬

  4. The name if this type of cherry is called “Rainier Cherry" which is very popular in the NW, especially in Seattle.

    Very jealous that you have a cherry tree in your yard, so lucky!

    • 住在台灣時 對於自家採櫻桃 真的像做夢一樣 櫻桃樹 就在女兒的窗前 從二樓看下去 一片粉紅 非常漂亮 另有一株 是從Home Depot 買 potted plant來種在地上的 結果率就不如這株 是一根棍子 開始種起的櫻桃樹

      那天真的要搬離這兒 還捨不得這兩株櫻桃樹 五株白桃 還有一片黃色raspberry bush 更不用談其他 辛苦種起來的花木呢

      這幾天 女兒竟然櫻桃吃到怕 不過她說 能夠有自家的有機櫻桃 真棒

  5. 好羨慕呀,櫻桃看起來好甜,藍莓看起來會大豐收,桃子也是。

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